This 2-Day interactive Face to Face workshop is the original MHFA program that teaches you how to assist adults who are developing a mental health problem, experiencing a worsening of an existing mental health problem or in a mental health crisis, until appropriate professional help is received or the crisis resolves.
Short on time but still interested in becoming an accredited Mental Health First Aider? Then look no further. This program starts with a 5-7 hour self-directed online program (which you complete at your own pace) followed by 2 x 2.5 hour zoom sessions. At the end of the training, you have a short test to complete and voila!….you are officially an accredited mental health first airier.
Already completed the MHFA Standard program within the past 3 years? Ready for your update? Then you are ready for a Mental Health First Aid Refresher. A 5-hour workshop delivered as a face to face workshop with a light lunch provided.
Already completed the MHFA Standard program within the past 3 years? Ready for your update? Then you are ready for a Mental Health First Aid Refresher. A 5-hour online workshop delivered as a zoom session. This workshop allows current Standard MHFAiders to refresh their knowledge and skills and extend their accreditation for another 3-year period.

Couples Intensive
This 15 minute Discovery Call is a chance for you to ask questions and get to know me. You will have the opportunity to explore your challenges and obstacles and...

7 Weeks to Fondness &
If you feel like the honeymoon phase is over, you can bring back the magic. The brain is wired to notice and respond to the negative. So in this self-directed fully online course...
Prepare Enrich for Couples
More understanding and less arguing. Confidence and clarity to talk about sensitive topics. Insight on how to be each other’s cheerleader and lover. Whether you are in year 0, 5, 10, 25 or more, the PREPARE/ENRICH assessment will help you visualize your relationship, put facts behind your feelings, and discover ways to open up doors for communication and intimacy. This is a 4-session minimum package that can be extended. Book discovery call with me to learn about the different options. Everything for the sessions is provided to you. You will receive 4 x 90 minute sessions with me, the Prepare-Enrich Online assessment, 2 workbooks and weekly emails for 6 weeks from the first session.